One thing that would change if we moved to Zulip: ...
# administrivia
One thing that would change if we moved to Zulip: everyone would see every comment in a channel. I think this would be a good thing, on balance.
is that b/c comments in threads are similar to the ones in Discord? No hidden nesting ?
There are facilities for seeing a single thread at a time, but they're stateless. It's quite nice, but hard to describe.
And here I am about to ask if anyone would be interested in a general FoC IRC channel
I spend most of my time lurking there anyway. The chat app silos are getting to me though
Yeah, I'm also increasingly done with centralized corporate app+server platforms.
Music to my ears! As always, I'll go wherever people want. IRC would be great. I also lately want a shared git repo for longform stuff that we can all access offline and build shared clients for, but that's probably too pie in the sky yet.
How's this for an idea. Let's say six of us commit to an irc advance party. Monitor the channel multiple times a day, post interesting stuff, etc. I can commit to log an archive of the channel and send weekly updates to @Mariano Guerra. Do this for a few months, see if we're able to get more people to make the move.
@Kartik Agaram Sounds fine to me. I can set a channel up on Libera. #futureofcoding, perhaps?
Do you see this as a migration though, or a supplemental community? I'm thinking the latter. IRC is a hard transition for some folks
Oh for sure. I mostly think of these things as planting seeds and seeing what happens. Definitely doesn't have to be either-or.
☝🏼 For everyone's attention, this is now happening. Join us on IRC at #futureofcoding on Grab a client from
If you want to drop in and say hi, I think has a web client that'll get you going
Oh nice! Editing my announcement.
If anyone is interested we were considering adding Zulip like threading model on to Linen your content is already in Linen
That definitely sounds interesting. Is it currently possible to post/comment on Linen? I see now that says "two way integration" but there doesn't seem any way to interact with our posts. Is that something we need to turn on?
We can turn it on for you give me a second
Hello from Linen it should be on now
It is on all you have to do is log in here and reconnect to Slack and it would work
Hi from Linen!
To answer your original question: I'd certainly use the heck out of a Zulip like interface. It's too easy right now to miss conversations just because I didn't respond to a thread when it was originally posted.