If you are interested in testing a prototype tutor...
# share-your-work
If you are interested in testing a prototype tutorial for me, for Blawx, check out dev.blawx.com. create an account, click new project, wills tutorial, open the project, click code editor, and click Tutorial. My 11-year-old did it in 30 minutes. All feedback appreciated. It is user-friendly legal knowledge representation in goal-directed constraint answer set programming. But that sounds scary, the vibe is more like "Scratch for Laws."
Hey Jason, I went to ‘wills tutorial’ on firefox and I don’t know what I was supposed to see, but I ended up in a blank code editor. To try and create the rule that folks over 18 are allowed to make wills, I made an ‘its true that’ block, put a ‘person is a category block’ in there, and then tried to make a ’person has the attributes ‘age’' block but the ‘known categories’ didn’t update. Cool tool! this kindof thing makes so much sense for a legal system from the perspective of someone outside of the legal world
Hey yeT. In the code editor there should have been a tutorial button at the top of the page. You were on exactly the right track, though. Known Categories only updates after you click "save" at the top of the screen (which the tutorial informs you about). Perhaps I should just have the tutorial visible by default. Or perhaps it was the screen layout, and the top bar wasn't visible for you? That seems very possible. I'll prioritize fixing the layout. I'm not as bad at it today as the day I designed that page. :)
Thanks, by the way!
I see it now! I think making it a btn-success or something would work better than having it be grey like the other actions
making it visible by default could be good too, also having some sort of guiding element from the start of hitting wills tutorial, like a glow effect on the buttons you’re supposed to hit in order to reach the tutorial
Yeah, btn-success is a no-brainer. Will do. I definitely need a more robust way of guiding the user, generally, for sure. For now I'm mostly testing the content of the tutorial. Will come back to the interface issues later.