Hello all! Please consider submitting to LIVE 2020...
# thinking-together
Hello all! Please consider submitting to LIVE 2020, the Workshop on Live Programming. Traditionally, most submissions to LIVE are demos of novel programming submissions. We hope LIVE can be an opportunity to polish up your work a little and present your progress to the world, by video or PDF or web essay—just be sure to situate the work within the history of programming environments. The submission deadline is Sept 18, and the workshop itself will be online, tentatively Nov 17. The attached Call for Submissions has details, or visit the website: https://liveprog.org/
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Hi @Brian Hempel. What kind of work should be submitted? Mainly academia work? Other too? In particular, I am not sure I will be able to "situate the work within the history of programming environments" precisely. I have never conducted some real research about it, and the most I can do is noting some inspirations and counter examples for my vision, but not a real academic comparison.
@ogadaki Don’t let that keep you from submitting! Part of LIVE’s goal is to provide a place for work that doesn’t quite fit the academic mold. Noting “inspirations and counter examples” is a good start for an “academic” related work discussion—particularly counter examples! Also because this is an eclectic workshop we’re not expecting quite as much thoroughness, something like 5-10 references is probably reasonable if you’re not coming from an academic background. If you ping me with your idea and those inspirations and counter examples I might be able to point you in a profitable direction so you can spend an afternoon following references and filling in some gaps. But, again, don’t let that keep you from submitting!
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