Webstrates (UIST 2015)? <http://www.klokmose.net/c...
# of-end-user-programming
Webstrates (UIST 2015)? http://www.klokmose.net/clemens/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/webstrates.pdf
We define shareable dynamic media as collections of information substrates (or substrates for short). Substrates are software artifacts that embody content, computation and interaction, effectively blurring the distinction between documents and applications. Substrates can evolve over time and shift roles, acting as what are traditionally considered documents in one context and applications in another, or a mix of the two. Substrates may be composed in various ways, e.g., one substrate can give meaning and structure to another. For example, a bar-chart substrate can define how to visualize a statistical data substrate.
Webstrates is super neat! https://webstrates.net We saw the project lead / professor give a talk in Boston. https://futureofcoding.slack.com/archives/CDYTXF6UA/p1569262038000200
he’s in the chat, too!
@jonathoda I asked Michel Beaudouin-Lafon about the origin of the “substrates” term. He said he first remembered using “substrates” in the software context around 2009-2010 in a discussion with @Clemens while visiting Stanford (?), but he wouldn’t claim to be the first.
🙏 1
I was using it in 2002.. Just sayin'.. 😄
I think I got it from electronics somewhere but I'd have to look it up