# in-san-francisco
Yay, I'm a big fan of coda! Are you posting here because you're based in SF?
nice to meet you! i live in the east bay and work in sf yes 🙂
@nagle, nice to see someone from Coda here. Been watching your work and it's quite encouraging.
nice to meet you @Peter van Hardenberg! will you be at the dynamicland meetup?
@nagle Sorry for the slow response, and thanks! I haven’t used Coda nearly as much as I’d like, though I keep an eye on the forums, and ended up posting a mockup of something I’d love to see: https://community.coda.io/t/introducing-formula-chips/5932/7
@yoz that's neat! i think that's a great idea. it's cool to see the reference back to how elm does it ... i knew they had very human error handling but hadn't seen that blog post before. thanks for calling it out. will you be at the dynamicland meetup? i've invited a coda engineer who was on the team that revamped formulas recently -- i bet he'd be interested to talk more.
I’m hoping to be there, though I also need to wrangle my kids around that time. Hoping that I can combine that, as they might enjoy it too, but I should check with Steve first. 🙂
Otherwise, I’m currently working out of 44 Montgomery (at Market), happy to do lunch whenever!
Oh, cool! If we don't meet at the meetup let's grab lunch sometime. I think you should just bring your kids personally 🙂 (I used to work at Dynamicland and we had kids over a lot.) But that's said with no authority, just opinion 🙂
That’s a good enough recommendation for me 🙂 Looking forward to it!
@nagle would love to come to the FoC dynamicland meetup but family obligations make it unlikely. will hope to catch up with folks post-tour.
@nagle i am SF-based though, so i'd be interested in a local lunch!
@Peter van Hardenberg that'd be great! i'm out of town for 2 weeks -- will you drop me a line, nagle@coda.io?
hi @nagle it’s been too long!
hi @JP Posma!! yes i agree!
nagle 1
whoa that reaction
nagle 1