hey <!channel> <@UHWC9PXBL> and I are planning the...
# in-boston
hey <!channel> @Garth Goldwater and I are planning the next FutureOfCoding meetup and we like the evening of July 23rd (a Tuesday). We’re exploring meeting spaces at maker/hacker/community spaces in Boston and Cambridge. If you’re available and want to attend, could you comment on this post and share the city you’d be coming from (if you’re comfortable doing so). While this meetup will almost surely be in Cambridge / Boston (just to get the ball rolling!), we want to survey and understand where people are coming from so we can move the location next time. To avoid having perfect be the enemy of good, we’re going to keep it quite lightweight. No meetup page, no email list to join, nothing. Just comment here if you’re interested in joining and you’re available 🙂
for the record I can do boston/cambridge/somerville
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I can do boston/cambridge/somerville as well
out of town
I'd be coming from Belmont MA, so right next to Cambridge
Also I assume this is meant to be July 23rd, not June
@jonathoda would doing it next week instead help, like July 16th
@srini that works for me but don’t sweat it
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