Hi all, Iโ€™ll be in London April 19 - May 3 if anyo...
# in-london
Hi all, Iโ€™ll be in London April 19 - May 3 if anyone wants to get together
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I feel the formation of the Grumpy Old Gits' Society..
International Grumpy Old Gits' Society, sorry
Hi @jonathoda, would you have time / interest in visiting us at the instrumentslab.org and discussing programming in the context of our maker platform bela.io?
We can show you lots of funky digital musical instruments!
looks amazing, can we all turn up? ๐Ÿ˜„
Absolutely ๐Ÿ™‚
More than happy to host something at QM!
We could even run a Bela workshop for everyone if there's interest..! Perhaps that could be a separate / future event
Let me know if interested anyway
Thanks for the invitation @jarm, always happy to talk. Honestly there are other people here who are more engaged with music tech than I am (notably @Arthur), so I think a meetup would be fun.
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Hmm. It would be great to host "a" meetup, but if this becomes "the" next london meetup, I might be concerned about hosting it at Queen Mary University. Unfortunately we have a lot of construction work going on, and so access to spaces is really chaotic.
So, I would suggest organising "the" meetup somewhere with less drilling going on (!), and perhaps we can arrange a lab visit for a smaller group?
how small?
Well so far it seems like itโ€™s just you and @jonathoda (@Arthur is already highly familiar with our work!)
Iโ€™d be interested in a lab visit!
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