Saw this from the twitter feed of <@U5TCAFTD3> and...
# announcements
Saw this from the twitter feed of @stevekrouse and rebroadcasting here in case others hadn't seen it and are interested: ("A Betaworks Accelerator Program for Tools for Thinking")
The folks at betaworks are great! I was a part of series of talks/chats with them on the next generation of NoCode products. Great people with interesting ideas 🙂
were those talks recorded and viewable somewhere?
They were not to my knowledge and I do not see any of them on that pge.
do you have an notes or slides you'd be willing to share, or maybe just a tl;dr?
It was extremely informal. We essentially showed up and had a nice chat with other folks in the call. The main point I tried to hammer was that in designing any product with a large team (but especially programming tools) it is useful to have and teach the team a set of principals that drive the design. Circuits is an in-game programming tool in our product Rec Room, a game for building games. These are the principals we established and spread across the team to make sure some common themes come out in the design. You may recognize some of them as being stolen borrowed from some of your other favorite languages:
How does $250k for 7% equity and a 25% discount stack up as a pre-seed investment?
YC is now $500k for 10%
generally speaking though, seed rounds seem way up from those numbers I talked to someone a few weeks back that raised $4.5M without a plan, product or users, not sure how much he exchanged in equity for that. You don't always have to do pre-seed either
@Tyler Leonhardt it’s also useful to have a list of things that a person might like the tool to do but that would run against the grain of what the tool is for.
Agreed William, though I don't think those things rise to the level of principals and are generally captured in other documents. Part of the goal of the principals is to keep them small enough that a large team remember them. Brains and mouths are lossy so the principals are optimized to carry sufficient information without considerable weight. You always want to add more but each additional piece of information increases the chance of losing information from communication or memory. Also, I think this thread is getting a little off topic so I wouldn't mind continuing in a separate thread elsewhere and talking in more depth. I don't quite know the culture of this slack workspace yet so I don't know if folks do that here but some other's I'm a part of may split this out to not detract from the TCs original post.