Has anyone tried or would like to try some regular...
# thinking-together
Has anyone tried or would like to try some regular pair/mob programming sessions on their FoC projects? Feels like a 1-hour a week session or something might be the sweet spot in terms of adding a bit of momentum/energy and opening ideas up to fresh input/criticism. perhaps a small group of us could rotate between projects?
I'm down
Holy moly so many times over. There’s a great deal of osmotic learning to come from this, never mind the build up of personal connections. I’ll buy all the virtual coffee codes if I have to. This will come off as naive and goofy, but I've struggled to find people open to this idea For.. ever? There’s a value in just being in a circle of highly literate and sharing folks that is far too often forgotten or dismissed. Y’all are some smart cookies. Lemme get in on that 😎
Do you have any kind of preference on how large you would like the groups to be? I can see pros and cons for both smaller to midsize or larger groups. Having asked that out loud actually, maybe smaller groups with more rotations makes sense. Too many eyes and hands, too many cooks and kitchens and the like. Too few, not enough horsepower.
Nice - yeah I was thinking 3 people would be a good group size, so maybe us three @Jimmy Miller @Ivan Lugo and me could do the first one?
I'm available from 1600 2000 UTC most week days, and could do earlier if needed
Yes! :)
Quick link to take off time zone calculation cycles from meat space: https://savvytime.com/converter/ca-san-francisco-to-utc
You can add zones and see them together. I’m in PST. I’m around all these weekdays too, and actually all day. Got some time off to do some packing at home. Getting some time away from packing wouldn’t hurt either, haha
cool - would 10:00 PST/17:00 UTC tomorrow or Thursday work for you?
10 PST totally works for me both days. I’m trying to find a mini-meetup style way to get us on the same reminder. @Jimmy Miller how’s by you? @Leonard Pauli, let’s find something to share schedules with. Like a mini “Meetup”. Something easy to jump in / out of, we all have the same reminder notification.
I can do 10 pst tomorrow
Great! anyone want to be first to host?
Also. I wouldn't restrict size personally. If @Leonard Pauli wants to join for example, why not? These things always fizzle out because people can't keep the schedule. The more you have the better.
yeah, sounds good 👍
Seems like Google calendar is still an easy way to get us all an email and chat program. Y’all have emails to share?
Or a better scheduler? haha
FoC: PAIR_MOB++ Wednesday, August 17 · 10:00 – 11:00am (PST) Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ctg-hugy-mbg
Woot! Let’s drop some ideas for tomorrow. Do you want to propose your project? Act as helping hand? Somewhere in between? I’ve got something I wouldn’t mind some help planning out a bit. It’s only got a vague direction, so it may not be the most code-forward thing to work on. Ideation would be my goal I think, though I’d take snippets all day, haha. Besides that, I’ll offer up some ideas of my own if you’re looking for it.
you’re == anyone here in this thread
I'm guessing since @Gus Hogg-Blake proposed the idea he might have a project we could start off with?
I'd be happy to work on Ivan's idea - I haven't actually touched Treefrog (https://treefrog-editor.com) in a while except for housekeeping so will have to spend some time thinking of a good issue to work on
Yes, count me in too 🙌. email: Daniel.garcia.carmona@gmail.com
@Gus Hogg-Blake @Daniel Garcia adding you now! Did that link for you to add to calendar by the way?
Great, no it didn't work until you added me. See you tomorrow!
How did the meetup go? Busy with other things, I haven't checked in on FoC for a few days, else I would have tried to join.
The meetup was a lot of fun! Turns out most of us had some similarities in projects. Definitely want to meet again and can post publicly (and @ you) when we do.
@Jimmy Miller please do!
Anyone up for same time this week (Weds 10:00 PST)?
I've set up a room on my whereby account to avoid time limit - https://whereby.com/the-mob-foc
Count me in! And send to the channel too!
Regular Wednesday 10am meetup sounds like a fun idea. I might get in on that next week.
Feel free to post in #announcements ~one hour before you go live, if you want more people to show up.