Is anyone aware of any papers on LLM assisted code...
# of-ai
Is anyone aware of any papers on LLM assisted code generation inside a visual programming environment? I've only seen one. I'm going to be doing some experiments later this month, and I don't really know the state of the art. is the one I have seen, which won best paper at JURIX last month And I only found that because it was domain specific to law. All my google-fu has failed me.
this probably applies?

@Mariano Guerra this is awesome! I have some explorations with AI that are drawn in a similar way as GlooData. Does it infer structure and meaning purely from the JSON? Does it look up capabilities that can be applied to the data somehow?
each top level block does a different trick to get the information it needs (I think that's your question)
@Cole for example the schedule block ask for a cron expression and parses it
I’ll need to rewatch your demos to start to parse that approach @Mariano Guerra
the meta trick is to ask for somethig in a structured format that is well represented in the trainning set
cron, sqlite query, curl command