hi! tinyletter (the service I use for the FoC news...
# present-company
hi! tinyletter (the service I use for the FoC newsletter) is closing down, to finish the last stage of going completely self hosted I plan to export the subscriber list, put it in a csv, do a for loop and use some mail api to send it. Also a form somewhere that appends to that csv. But before adopting this webscale architecure ™️ I wanted to ask you if there's any interesting idea to improve the newsletter now that I'm doing the migration.
is there an RSS feed for that content?
I think it's brilliant and can't easily be improved, Mariano. Really appreciate your effort doing it.
One thing that would be nice would be to either not use click-through tracking on the links or ensure that the host doing it supports TLS, so we don't get a non-secure connection warning on every link.
it won't have click tracking, I never used it, but once I tried to disable it and it sent plain text so I left it as it was
Pete Millspaugh recently wrote an excellent blog post about rolling his own email newsletter system on Val Town (my startup): https://www.petemillspaugh.com/cultivating-emails
What I find 'difficult' is to quickly engage into a conversation when reading the newsletter. Now I have to switch to Slack and search for author / title / keyword to find the entry from the newsletter. A direct link might help I guess 🙂
I’ve been very happy with https://buttondown.email if you’re looking for a solid tinyletter alternative
I like it but want to avoid the subscription price 😕