Some satisfying debug UI for Poisson Disk Sampling...
# devlog-together
Some satisfying debug UI for Poisson Disk Sampling (; thanks @Jack Rusher for pointing me at it) Couple more videos in 🧵
More sped-up videos with and without the debug UI.
Exciting to see all these custom development tools 🙂.
These automate the reading part, not the writing part. @Kartik Agaram did you already find the need to change the system to accommodate something (perhaps making some part more explicit so that you can easily track it) in the visual tool?
By the above screenshots I was done with this particular app/prototype, so I haven't gone back to it, but I did have that iterative experience of building something and then needing to modify it in getting to this point. And now I have a new tool for my toolbox: this algorithm. I've been noodling over what to do next in Rectangle World with this added constraint of a geometric way to visualize the internals. So I'm sure there'll be a lot more changing of systems that I will post updates about 🙂 I haven't really been thinking of this as automating either side. I have to do the reading and interpretation manually to figure out where the bug is in my code. What was satisfying this time around: the feedback around the tooling helped keep me in flow and find the bug much more quickly than in similar situations. (The final bug was a typo in my
function 🤦🏼‍♂️) It's definitely quite rudimentary, but less infrastructure is easier to learn and more discoverable. For simple things it feels faster to put something together out of shape primitives than to find the precise commandline flag in some tool. For me for these simple things the bottleneck is often context switches rather than time or effort.
I did have that iterative experience of building something and then needing to modify it in getting to this point.
That is what a moldable development cycle feels like. And it’s the reason why there is “development” in the name. It’s a feedback loop.