Working on my slides for the <strange loop talk> r...
# present-company
Working on my slides for the strange loop talk right now. I'm not sure how relevant to FoC it is, as it's a tiny bit more like.. the past of coding, but I'm pretty excited for it, the slides are encoded in a little slideshow scripting language I made up, for a program(Adelie) written in my favourite language in the world, running on a system built from garbage held together with strings and duct tape! Should be fun : )
"past of coding" makes it even more on-topic! good luck, looking forward to it!
Cheers! Lu, have you ever seen KolibriOS? It's written in FASM, I hadn't come across it before today but it's really neat. It's my thing of the moment. design principles: I love it when languages are sitting at that thin spot between machine instructions and logic code, and this one has that
I haven't but I'll check it out, thanks for the links :)
@Devine Lu Linvega's talk from Strange Loop is now posted on YouTube. From the talk description:
In this session, I will explore some playful low-power, sometimes analog, computation systems and esoteric programming languages, designed to work offline, on salvaged devices, advised from spending the past 7 years sailing around the Pacific Ocean.
No seafaring experience required.