If you're in NY and wanted to work on a FoC compan...
# present-company
If you're in NY and wanted to work on a FoC company full time, @Tom MacWright and I are hiring at Val Town. We're trying to make programming more fun, composable, and light. I've tried to take many of the ideas I've learned from this community and package them up into a practical product that's VC-fundable. Come join! https://about.val.town/founding-engineer-at-val-town
“Non-remote” in 2023? Surprising!
BV would approve, in 2023 😁
Agreed, it is surprising! Makes folks very upset, which I totally get. Tradeoffs man, tradeoffs as far as the eye can see
I am curious: how did you arrive at $120-150k for the pay range? (Full disclosure: I have no vested interest here, because I am not commuting distance to Brooklyn.)
Does that seem low or high? It's what we have budget for and seems reasonable
The base salary does seem a bit low to me. But there are so many factors that go into such decisions. And, to your advantage, it is a “hirer’s market” compared to most years in tech. Like you say — tradeoffs everywhere!
Totally! Even with the equity?
Appreciate the feedback
Salary-wise, the high end of your range would be the low end of what I’d offer in that market. OTOH, as @Joe Grossberg mentioned, there’s a job shortage, so if you’re just looking for warm bodies you’ll probably find one.