I don't think there's been a proper <@UBN9AFS0N> a...
# administrivia
I don't think there's been a proper @Mariano Guerra appreciation recently: it must be a lot of work doing all that newsletter and Twitter stuff. Thanks, Mariano! 🤗
I don't understand, Ivan! 🤔 And I presume that's "proof"? 😆
"Saw this in the weekly digest" — as in, Toby wouldn't have noticed this thread and swung by the Slack if not for Mariano's newsletter!
Aha! 😆🙄 sorry
some stats, the newsletter has 876 subscribers and last week it had 53.4% unique opens, that means we are reaching (extra?) ~450 people
second time I look at those stats in all this years 😄
hopefully my social media spam reaches some extra readers
I remember feeling like it had hit a ceiling at around ~120, so that's awesome to hear it's gone up by several multiples.
which social media are you "spamming"?
I post the newsletter announcement on twitter, mastodon, bluesky and linkedin, if you follow me enough you get it in all of them. 👋🏽 @Lu Wilson 😄
yes haha I enjoy the "catch-em-all" game of liking it in each place. threads soon? 👀
the EU is protecting everyone from that 😛
consider yourself lucky!
While in appreciation mood, I just discovered THIS brilliant art: https://ivanish.ca/painting/ 😮
Why did you drop out of art school? You're a genius
Still exploring https://ivanish.ca/ ...
I went to art school (A) because I had been doing a lot of 3d animation in my teens, and thought that'd be a good career, and (B) because I was in what might nowadays be called a polycule and a bunch of those people were going to this art school. I dropped out of art school because I didn't actually enjoy making art, and got more fulfillment out of (A) doing weird stuff with computers, and (B) doing weird stuff with musical instruments. If you find anything interesting on that site, (A) god help you and (B) maybe DM me about it because, like, noooobody heeeere neeeds tooo careee abooout thaaat stuuuuuff :$
We're tucked away here at the end of an off topic thread in #administrivia. I'm allowed to appreciate who and what I like! 😆
Oooooh kay! Not gonna yuck on anyone's yum.
I got there via Crosscut BTW, from the post you made above. Still reading that article as well... https://www.inkandswitch.com/crosscut/
Oh! @Mariano Guerra.. Are you going to put THIS thread in the newsletter? Dare you! 😊 For the same reasons discussed elsewhere here recently, I think "off topic" is where all the relaxed and creative action is!
Speak for yourself! I think #thinking-together has been wildly creative lately. Really enjoying all the recent threads there.
@Duncan Cragg #administrivia doesn't go in the newsletter, feel free to share your deepest secrets here
dropping out of art school is the best way to leave art school
Found the "discussed elsewhere here recently" - and it's ... @Mariano Guerra again! 🙄😁 https://futureofcoding.slack.com/archives/C03RR0W5DGC/p1683914213731239?thread_ts=1683907869.328429&amp;cid=C03RR0W5DGC Perhaps we can open up a creative/relaxed/safe channel for people to, well, not exactly share their deepest secrets, maybe, but to simply dump thoughts and feelings about stuff without worrying about being judged badly! A place to riff and babble. Like my family tell me I do a lot.
I would like all of the channels to be a place where people can simply dump thoughts and feelings without worrying about being judged badly. The tone of this community ought to be warm, encouraging, welcoming, and above all optimistic. If anything, there should be a silo into which judgement and pessimism are shunted.
Riffing, great. Babbling, also great — but remember to leave space for others (especially at the top level of a channel. If you want to open up a thread where you just rant for a dozen message straight, that rules)
Your recent "Dynamicland is suboptimal — change my mind!" handled this well. Your initial message clearly signalled that you were looking for a spicy debate. That shouldn't be the default mode, but it's something you can call for when initiating a thread.