Recently, I realised that despite “vaguely knowing...
# thinking-together
Recently, I realised that despite “vaguely knowing” what VPRI was doing (and trying to do), I never bothered to thoroughly read their reports and papers. Now that I took the time to read them, I feel like overall it’s been time well spent (I got inspiration and encouragement for some projects). I’d like to know if you know about the VPRI undertaking, and if you do, whether you read (some of) their papers/reports - see poll below. I’m also interested in similar experiences you had with other projects (thinking you know what they do, then having this understanding deepened by looking at their work more carefully).
I didn’t know about VPRI.
🔵 I know about them, but don’t really know what they did.
🔴 I know what they did, but read nothing from their writings.
🎯 I read some of their reports.
I read some of their reports and specific papers.
I’m not familiar, and vpri also appears to be an overloaded acronym. Do you have a link or the full name of the project you’re referring to?
It used to be, but this one is probably more helpful at this point:
@Joe Nash Sorry, didn’t realize that. Updated the post with links.
I especially admire Ian Piumarta's work on taking late binding and dynamic object systems to the extreme with his combined lambda/object architecture, and Alessandro Warths' work on fast programming language iteration, which gave birth to OMeta and then Ohm. But there is so much more. I dream of starting a STEPS reboot that changes the context for building a complete environment in 20k LOCs from multimedia PC to today's mobile computing platforms. What would this look like if we assumed touch interaction and all the sensory input our mobile phones support was the baseline?
@Stefan I agree... These two worked on what seems to be the key to VPRI's (partial) success.
Thanks @Jan Ruzicka!
“…fast programming language iteration…” if interested in this, see, also,