Train Jam to Strange Loop A handful of folks from ...
# linking-together
Train Jam to Strange Loop A handful of folks from this community and adjacent spaces are riding a train from Seattle to St. Louis, arriving the night before Strange Loop. Come along to spend some time away from the daily routine, see the continental US, and hack / hang with other hack-hangers. Register: Info:
I'm undecided — it'd be fun, but I also had plans to be in St. Louis for these two days, which would be annoying to cancel. So depending how my day goes today and what whims I choose to follow, I may or may not be on the train. @Kartik Agaram and @Jack Rusher have booked tickets, so presumably you'll see them if you choose to go.
if I wasn’t coming from the east coast, I’d totally do this!
I'm not actually attending Strange Loop. Limited patience for large gatherings + can't afford the time. So I'm flying to Seattle, taking the train, flying back from St. Louis.
Very neat. I won’t be Looping Strangely or training, but I would love to meet up with folk in Seattle if that fits schedules & inclinations.
I’ll be in Seattle a day or two early, so that’d work for me 🙂
So sad I can’t attend. Sounds like an amazing time
And — sold out! Also, I decided to sit this one out. But if anyone is in St. Louis a day or two before the conf, I'll be looking to meet folks, hang out, and probably eat as much pizza as I can. Plan accordingly!
@Ivan Reese I had hoped to sing high and lonesome harmonies with you as we chugged across the prairie, but look forward to seeing you in STL either way 🙂
if I line up a bunch of chairs in a line can ya’ll still regale us with train melodies?
I'm one of those dilettante amateurs who never took lessons. No musical training.
I call 💩 — didn’t your vocal training start in the womb of a voice teacher?
My mother was a real diesel engine locomotive of acting and singing talent, true.
And your various audiovisual recordings suggest the apple did not fall far from the tree
Not far from the train, Jack. I'm doing bad train puns. I can't sing, but boy can I whistle.