GDC (Game Developers Conf) is running a <Showcase>...
# present-company
GDC (Game Developers Conf) is running a Showcase event at the end of June. They've sent me some codes for free passes — DM me if you want one.
Meta commentary: A marketing firm emailed me about doing a quid pro quo where I'd promote this event on social media, in our newsletter, banners on our website, etc, and then they'd give us some free passes. My typical reply to these sorts of things is a flat "No" or simply the ol' Report Spam, but… this is GDC. So there are some people here who might actually be interested. So instead I replied "none of those [forms of promotion] would work", and they just sent me the codes anyway. Yes, mentioning it here means they are getting a bit of promotion they otherwise wouldn't get. But if anyone is actually interested in "attending" this virtual event, I figure it's worth saving them $150.
So is this just, GDC but online only?
It's some sort of "showcase" event, different from the normal conf, I think. I don't even know if it includes access to the "vault" of presentation videos from years past (which, IIRC, is paywalled)