Unreal Engine are looking to release a new languag...
# linking-together
Unreal Engine are looking to release a new language, Verse, that is halfway between their visual programming language, Blueprint, and C++. Text-first, concurrency first and typed. They are framing it as a metaverse native language, that they hope to open source and standardise (port to other game environments like Unity, roblox etc too). I’m interested to see what a concurrency first language will look like from such a large player in the games industry. Seems like it’d be popular in the indie dev space (I’m starting to look into learning UE atm, and hoping it succeeds as a better alternative to C++ 😛)


(6:15 start)
Got a timestamp we can skip to?
6:15 start
Grabbed from the comments —


I think the original link should have skipped to it
Ah — I clicked the video title in the preview, and it didn't. Doh!
One interesting bit at the end (last 15mins I think), was talking about the history of UE, where from UE3 -> UE4, they dropped support for their initial attempt at an Unreal scripting language (UnrealScript?) in favour of C++/Blueprint, because it was just one person working on the language. But with the success of Fortnite, they could build a world class team to work on a new language that can be more future-proof for the metaverse. Don’t have enough programming language design expertise to tell whether the decisions they are making are good or not, but very curious how it’ll all turn out.
+1 here, I also revisited the idea of starting to learn UE since it becomes more accessible to indies 🙂
I'm pretty excited about Verse's programming model. It supports the most interesting concepts from logic programming. For example, it's easy to express combinatorial searches, i.e. "find all pairs/n-tuples of things that have a certain relationship". (In a conventional PL, you'd usually have to write a nested loop — or use a library — to express the same thing.)
Most relevant slide. Finally concurrency semantics I can get behind!