BTW, is there anyone else here from Amsterdam? I c...
# introduce-yourself
BTW, is there anyone else here from Amsterdam? I can invite you to the #C04QGNXE90X channel.
I am living in Doorn in the Netherlands
I'm in NL, but a bit further (Groningen provincie)
Iig leuk om te lezen dat er meer nederlanders hier aanwezig zijn😀
Oh, ik ben geen Nederlander, maar woon al 5 jaar in Nederland (en ik heb nog steeds Google Translate nodig omdat al mijn sociale en werkkringen Engels spreken en ik lui ben om alleen te studeren)
Even goed leuk om hier Nederlands voorbij te zien komen (niet dat ik zo chauvinistisch ben hoor, engels is ook prima 😊). Anway, cool to meet you😀
I am sometimes jealous when I read about the FoC meetup in london, perhaps we can organize something similar here in NL?
I think that's a good idea - it has potential be more interesting than most of the other tech meetups.
Yeah, it'd be nice to organize something
Even if informal
Well I don't really know the format of the FoC meetups
m this is the event page for the FoC meetup in london.
late to the thread but also Amsterdam-based! 👋