Inspired by re-reading Naur’s “Programming as Theo...
# share-your-work
Inspired by re-reading Naur’s “Programming as Theory Building” I decided to make myself a text editor to solve all my problems… tl;dr I wrote a blog post and some bash instead 😂
My first attempt at this was more elaborate -- rather than bash and saving to the file system, I was trying to do something with sqlite, and having a database backing each file of a project. The idea was that I could assign any row + column number as an ID, and then generate a connected moon from that. This was a cool idea, but so fragile as to be untenable. Plain text doesn't offer a great way to reference specific points in a file if that file is changing.
Thanks! Also welcome! 👋
While reading I first thought you were going to go full FUSE and build an alternate file system that criss-crosses the "real" files in some strange way.
That... might actually be cool.
In my notes I just have a big “9p?” to indicate if Plan9’s 9p could do what I want…because I try to solve many problems with stuff from plan9 (My track record so far is 0)
So glad to see more people exploring the space between files and no files. @Benji York Love the idea of doing a virtual filesystem. I definitely need to play with that.
Something I thought about trying to do was hack some sort of editor into fossil-scm, and use SQLite to store everything … but … c
FYI I do many things with synthetic filesystems. In an effort to make it easier for others to experiment with that sort of thing, I wrote up this clojure stub as an example/convenient starting point: