Live Coding: A User’s Manual is out! “A new book a...
# reading-together
Live Coding: A User’s Manual is out! “A new book about the history and culture of live coding, published by MIT Press and available open access.”
On a slight tangent, the performance aspect of this term tends to make me think "live coding" is not for me. I'm an introvert interested in debugging programs without restarting them. I'm not an extrovert interested in putting on a performance for an audience. I'm curious if people see the same connotations as me, and how they react to them.
I was also a bit puzzled to find that the "live coding" community is mostly performance art related at the moment... The "debugging programs without restarting them" community tends to use terms like "interactive programming" or "REPL-driven programming". Of course, all of these things are "live" and "interactive" in different ways, so there's naturally going to be some overlap. Events like the LIVE workshop tend to feature work from both camps.
I started in computer music, so “live coding” has always implied performance to me.
Correctness is such a pain for code replacement when reproducibility is a factor. 😂
In the Smalltalk universe, the term “live coding” is frequently used for The Smalltalk Way. But elsewhere, it seems to mean live performance.
I still use the term live coding both ways, but I'm probably in the wrong as the terminology seems to have drifted to performance...
I was just thinking you're the one person I know who does both.