2022 Advent of Code Solutions, Day 2, Thread:
# devlog-together
2022 Advent of Code Solutions, Day 2, Thread:
Didn't get into the math trick game today; I usually have difficulty working those out anyway. My solution is more straightforward; a simple table search.
Part 1 of day 2 using my visual programing editor
very cool @Maikel, do you have a video as well?
Certainly inspirational to see people do advent of code with their own language/tool! 👏 I hope to be able to do that one day my self as well 🙂
Yeah , and its a great learning experience as well.. I already needed to add some functionality to be able to complete these two (easy) challenges. Unfortunately I have no time to make a video yet, maybe later in the month. I probably don't do all of the challenges because of the same reason