So I’ve been triggered (in no bad meaning) by the ...
# share-your-work
So I’ve been triggered (in no bad meaning) by the ironic connotations about
growth hackers
notion in @Ivan Reese post. I’ve (, been identifying myself professionally as a
growth hacker
for the past 10 years already. Have to say, growth hackers use ‘devs’ (shortening of ‘software developers’) word with same ironic connotations more often than not 🙂 So I have this 4-hours trainings, pretentiously named
how to tell a story via web medium
, prepared that I run for development+marketing teams being brought together in the same room. It is at the same time attempt to introduce
ubiquitous language
(in domain-driven-design (DDD) context) for daily communication in marketing+development teams cooperation. In an attempt to de-mystify some common myths of what
growth hackers(marketing communication specialists)
actually do and how
could help them do their work better (or at least stop creating huge roadblocks, such as instroducing react&friends in acquisition funnel websites, to give an example) - I would like to propose to an online webinar for FoC community those above mentioned
how to tell a story via web medium
(free of charge) . Please put if you’d be interested in joining this webinar. In case at least 4-5 people would express interest, we could start arrange’ing date&time in a thread, including any special topics you’d like to be addressed and included for me to prepare on top of current content.
That’s a generous offer! I hope some folks here take you up on that.
FWIW, I have a bee in my bonnet when it comes to the juxtaposition of aspirational futures of computation and business dev stuff because of stuff like this. So that’s where my grumpiness about “growth hacking” in particular comes from. I think the startup scene and the OG “tools for thought” crowd are strange bedfellows, but we certainly can learn from one another and work together to good effect.
👍 5
Tentatively interested. Currently in early stages of building a small startup, so this could be very timely (non FoC-related for now, sorry).
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@Ivan Reese totally agree on the caricatures of real people non-related to bussiness being used in marketing communications is seems totally off! Also agree that the term
growth hacking
is very commonly misused. Yet it is very successfully coined term in a sense how real world activities correlate to semantic meaning of the term, I should say. Comparably, way bigger problem is with
content marketing
term. I was once strongly considering to attend a nationwide
content marketing
conference with a speech deck named ‘can you kindly explain me which marketing communications activities are considered not content marketing?’, but decided not to be a party pooper 🙂
🙂 1
@Andrew F - thanks! Great! Let’s hope few more interested people come up and we could proceed to scheduling.
@Andrew F @dialmove @Kartik Agaram @Don Abrams @ogadaki - thanks a lot for pressing ! Let’s make this happen! 🙂 Am thinking, maybe i’d try to squeeze the content into 1.5 hours (sharing key statements before the call here), and them maybe 1.5 hours for Q&A/discussion. 3 hours is a lot of time to book, so if some of you could only make two hours, than we’d prioritise the questions of those who’d have to leave earlier, and we’d share the summary of rest q&a/discussion later here in slack. So, min 2 - max 3 hours. But to start with, let’s pick a date. I’m offering the week after next - kindly please which day(s) seem to suite enough to fit 2 hours in the calendar: . After we’d pick date, we can proceed to time selection. If this week completely does not work for any of you, we can move the week to one later. Looking forward and thanks again!
Time zone?
I’m gmt+3, but I think we’ll try to look for something that will suit us both. I can be very flexible in terms of time zone adjustments
Quite intrigued by "JamStack is a curse word for marketers & developers"... 🤔 I'm eager to know what it's about 😄
Will elaborate on the curse for marketers during live meeting. For developers -
is a term describing backend architecture - how should the server respond to request - by loading html from disk/cache and serving it statically VS dynamically rendering html response. But in 9/10 cases devs identify it as a ‘trendy’ way to build frontend. The ultimate problem is that there is a void in frontend architectures naming. Or - a mess in frontend architectures naming. Google defines it as a subset of this image:
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Which ^ has mistakes in itself, but is totally uncomprehensable. To fix this void people tend to lean to ‘jamstack’ as an answer.
Or come up with questionable recommendations.
Frontend wise
is a meaningless term. But it is treated as not being such.
World has no naming framework for frontend architectures that would be wide spread and accurate.
Developers build websites with nuxt/next/gatsby, because they read on blogs ‘thats a cool trend’, then bussiness comes and says:
message has been deleted
You (devs) just convinced us migrate from wordpress to gatsby, because it’s trendy jamstack. And we just learned that there are implications for bussiness in here. Left column is our wordpress - suprer great for bussiness and marketers, just not elegant for devs. You instead convinced us to migrate to something cool for you, but totallly not suitable for us. Let’s have a conversation about that…
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(this topic causes a lot of heat if devs and marketers are in the same room whilst discussing this. I suggest we leave broader discussion for the video call). Also I am a bit opinionated on this, but by no means I want to sound radical or not suggesting to discuss it all).
Last thing to note, that for instance this site is also technically considered jamstack according to jamstack term creators. To translate the definition in bit other words, jamstack is ‘everything you can deploy on netlify’. @dialmove - hope this at least clarified the direction of thought what the catchy
JamStack is a curse word for marketers & developers
phrase hides beneath.
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