Hey guys, I don't know if you remember my program ...
# share-your-work
Hey guys, I don't know if you remember my program MockMechanics? I know it's been a while, I've been working on the code instead of making videos and I was also busy with work, but here's a new video, I show how I recreated that 4 color memory game (Simon) without using any code. I'll try to make machine videos more regularly from now on. So what do you think?


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❤️ 7
👋 2
Oh my god I absolutely LOVE the moment when you physically flip the detector panel over at 1:09 to reveal how it works. You are doing a great job retaining the physicality of the world where it works, and breaking it where it doesn't.
Thanks Chris, I could have put the detectors in another layer so whenever I wanted access to them I could show the right layer all nice and proper. But putting them on a panel I can just flip open with the mouse physically is so much easier. Once again my laziness served me well 😀
We remember. Love the physicality of it. The interaction with the bottom middle logic popup panel is interesting, like an entirely different mode of expression.
@Felipe Reigosa great work! do you have a working version to participate on Review Jam? http://marianoguerra.github.io/review-jam/
@wtaysom Thanks, I'm often surprised by how powerful the motherboard programming is (the logic panel as you call it), that was kind of an accident. Back in the early days, each motherboard contained a little snippet of Clojure code but I noticed that a lot of them were simple if/them clauses and when they weren't you could simplify them to be so by making the other logic physical, if you know what I mean? For instance instead of writing code to detect a recent button press in the Simon game by having a Clojure variable to keep track of the last time a button was pressed, I just created a physical thingamajig that is in a certain state for a while after each button press. So if each motherboard can just be simple if/then statements with or/and/not conditions, then it can be represented by a simple graph. Even things I thought couldn't be simplified this way like a while loop turned out to be possible, the "player" circuit is a physical while loop for instance.
👍 1
@Mariano Guerra Thanks, the Review Jam sounds like a great idea! Perfect not only to get real feedback but also try some really interesting tools from the other people here. I have to focus on work for a few weeks and trying all those tools does sound time consuming but since it's still a month away I think I probably can make it. I'll prepare a new version when I can, it's more involved than you would think, that's why the version on my site is so old, but I'll get it done.