Recently built a tool that enables climate and com...
# share-your-work
Recently built a tool that enables climate and community action orgs to sync their public calendars, so people on the ground can get a view of all of the organizing activities happening near them and where to plug-in: If this sounds useful, feel free to try it out and share! Anybody can post events and calendars directly from the main page, no login or account required. (Most of the calendars/data are US-based right now, so if you're somewhere else, just try searching a large US city.) It's also open source ( — collaboration from all backgrounds welcome! There are some big questions to come around permissions, data rights and sovereignty, respectful ways to work with calendar data, and general features/capabilities/vision, and it would be great to have perspective from a number of communities/fields on that. The vision is that this could serve other organizing use cases as well, like coordinating with attendees after an initial meeting, a place for discussions and sharing artifacts (alternative to FB groups), designing leaflets and posters, mapping local organizations and resources, knowledge sharing across networks, opportunities for engagement and civic action, viewing helpful local data, accessing funding for organizing and local initiatives, and more ... If you have any questions, ideas, feedback, wishes, or other thoughts, would love to hear your perspective and collaborate! (In case I don't see a response here, here's a Discord channel for the project)
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I'm just about to start a city wide organization project. Thank you for this, I'll be in touch.
Sounds great @Tim Lipp, please do!