:wave: all, I’m Anup (my alias is <@U03LQS17Q3Z> ...
# introduce-yourself
👋 all, I’m Anup (my alias is @reznord everywhere). I learned about this community from the tweets of @Sunil Pai & @Maggie Appleton. I’ll be joining as a SE at TransferWise and I’ve been a maintainer of preact.js for over 3 years now (a bit inactive lately); probably because of that second thing, over the years I’ve become very passionated about open source. I’m looking forward to see how this community tinkers with the ideas around the future of coding 🤓 I’m moving to London next week, so expect me to attend the IRL meetups and take photos of y’all during the meetups (I’m a photographer 🤪)
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