Hi all! my name is Jinder, I'm from Boston area. ...
# introduce-yourself
Hi all! my name is Jinder, I'm from Boston area. I recently discovered the pod and am so happy to find others who are experimenting with with coding and the tools used for coding. I'm particularly thinking a ton about visualizing code as I write it. As I implement algorithms, I want to see the effects of my code changes on the data the algorithm is working on. Simple example: sorting algorithms. How can I create an IDE that allows me to move through a sorting algorithm and visualize what it is doing when I change lines? Anyways, excited to be here and looking forward to learning from you all!
I've tried using it before, but never got too far. It was not immediately obvious how I'd use it. But I've heard enough about it that I should spend few hours on it and see what is what.
Glamorous Toolkit is progressing quickly, so it's worth another look from time to time. For me, it has become my main development environment by now. Suggestion: download GT, run it, and open the "Glamorous Toolkit Book". Study the page "Explaining the Squarified Treemap Algorithm" and click on anything that looks clickable. Next, look at the pages in the section "Explanations". And then, go for the section "Implementing a Ludo Game as a moldable development exercise".
Hello 👋 @Konrad Hinsen can you expand a little on where GT is progressing? It might help get me some more motivation for picking it up again…
Hard to summarize. Lots of small usability improvements, which together make a noticeable difference. Also many documentation improvements that make it easier to develop an understanding of the environment. If there is any one area which has seen lots of improvements, it's in the space of asynchronous and remote execution, which has sped up some aspects of the UI as a side effect.