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# thinking-together
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Smalltalk and Lisp for the language ideas, Erlang for the system ideas, the language is not that special.
🀘 4
Great! and cool that you picked more than one πŸ˜‰ I missed to say it in the question and couldn't edit it later
Elm is my #1
πŸ‘ 2
HyperCard (Runners up: ClojureScript, Max/MSP, Flash+ActionScript, and pretty much every video game with some sort of dynamic/evaluated system)
Cool! I have always been curious about HyperCard. Can you share a bit more about what do you like about it?
In short, I like that I had it as a kid, and that it was a very open system, and was nicely self-describing. I could look at a ton of built-in "stacks" and see how things worked, and modify those built-in stacks, and basically figure out how to make little Myst-like games (having never heard of Myst) and animations and silly things. I did this when I was like.. 8? With no internet, no friends or family who knew how it worked, no books or reference material.. just the stuff included in HyperCard. A lot of people describe learning Basic when they were young by copying programs out of a book or magazine. With HyperCard, you didn't need anything extrinsic to the environment itself. It was also very helpful that everything in the environment, and the built-in stacks, felt of a piece with the rest of the Macintosh system. I could look at the Control Panel and think "I could make this exact thing in HyperCard"
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Unreal Blueprints, believe it or not. I find it super powerful for immediate (idea) --> (creative output) for the VR pieces I make, for both interaction/behaviors and dynamic visuals/materials. I'm also very fond of working in Processing and Max.
🍰 2
I was very tempted to say Max/MSP (as a catch-all for nice node-based VPLs), but HyperCard nostalgia wins out.
Second vote to HyperCard. πŸ™‚
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Such a hard question for programming language people!
Some interesting languages: nim, red-lang
My favorite language hasn't been invented yet 😝
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I understood the question as β€œWhat’s your favorite programming language, apart from the one you are making?”
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Mine is TidalCycles (or Tidal for short), an EDSL for making patterns in Haskell: Tidal is by far the language that has changed my perspective on art and technology the most
SuperCollider, assuming 'favourite' means 'keeps picking for every task, no matter how ill-suited'
πŸ˜† 2
Onex (my language) is implemented in C. So my answer to this poll - C - reminds me of prime numbers, where C=1 and Onex=the prime number, divisible only by itself and 1! πŸ˜„ Any other language is either not my language thus inferior, or not C thus less efficient and portable.
I'll say Clojure, which could just be Lisp. But I think has some important improvements on other Lisps. (At a cost) My ideal language would be somewhere between Scheme and Clojure
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