Some thoughts after meetup. Users are humans. The...
# thinking-together
Some thoughts after meetup. Users are humans. They evolved from monkeys not so long ago. That's why today's UI uses shades, smooth animation, tries to look Material: this way UI reminds real world that we evolved against. That's why one of the most effective ways to comprehend math is to rely on geometry, visual thinking. We may think about programming environments (languages) as an UI for program design. Maybe this programming UI should also be limited to only those abstractions that fit well into human brain. Those abstractions and ideas that can be experienced in everyday monkey life. Abstractions and ideas that fit well: - idea of immutable data. Most objects in real world most of the time stay unchanged. Just like we have many identical pieces of paper (or rocks) that we modify, we have many copies of same immutable data, that used to produce something new. - idea that objects behave differently in different contexts (partial application of pure function as context update?). Objects in real world behave differently when they are places in different context: warm, cold, light, dark. - idea that actions can be undone by traversing routes backwards. That what we do, when we lost our keys in the middle of the route. We try to remember where exactly we walked, and walk backwards. Once we found the keys, we create new branch of walk. - idea of separation for reliable actions, and unreliable actions that may have unpredictable outcome. If you work with static objects (or objects that move linearly), you can be sure that you can walk, jump, catch, run pretty much unconsciously with desired results. If you engage with another actor: a moving object, you need to calculate, negotiate, and it's much harder. In real world reducing number of moving objects, using as many static objects as possible makes life easier. Same in programming: keeping as many things immutable as possible, reduce number of dependencies that can change behavior without your explicit command -- makes life easier. Abstractions and ideas that don't fit well: - closure function that captured IO interface (tcp socket, db connection). Basically what you get, is special kind of object that may behave totally differently, regardless of your input. It has implicit invisible dependency that change its behavior. It is not an object under your control, but rather an independent actor that you need to negotiate with (just like another human being). - objects that can arbitrarily modify their own behavior. We have that kind of objects in languages with metaprogramming (e.g. Lisp), but we rarely see anything similar in everyday life. Most of the time objects are changed explicitly from outside. - idea that object can implicitly change context, global state. If there change, it's always visible and explicit.
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@Vladimir Gordeev Thank you for the summary. That "objects are changed explicitly from outside" comes back to the misnomer of "object oriented." It means many things to many people, but in as much as "objects arbitrarily modify their own behavior" – those kinds of objects were more meant as agents and really the kind of characters that a child might imagine for their toys.
Nothing real stays the same. Everything is changing, some things slowly like a boulder on a mountain, and other things like people change rather significantly, almost perceptibly. Immutability is a fad today; unfortunately people have only half-understood the inventor of FP, John Backus' ideas. He was after interchangeable parts, and felt that immutability would assist in this. However, he died with his work unfinished, and even after 50 years the problem of interchangeable parts is unsolved. I think that Wirth got closer with Modula-2 than Backus' languages ever did.