6) self hosted/vertical/its own ecosystem (and kin...
# thinking-together
6) self hosted/vertical/its own ecosystem (and kind of alien) 😛
6) 👍🏼
6) But (ironic to the label used), more intuitive and "human" than what currently exists
a lot of people answered "utterly alien" what constitutes an utterly alien platform to you?
👍 1
I think a lot of the goals people here want to achieve are achievable on existing infrastructure, even if the high level UX is radically different, but I could be wrong. I know some people are advocating simpler, more understandable open systems that anyone can reason about, which might be utterly alien compared to what we have now, sadly
@Mariano Guerra @Duncan Cragg @Dan Cook I'm not convinced '6)' is a new category. The less you rely on existing platforms the more you're forced to be vertically integrated and your own eco-system. So they seem implicit. Self hosting seems like an implementation detail? Again, it could apply to any of these options? What am I missing?
@Dan Cook:
6) But (ironic to the label used), more intuitive and "human" than what currently exists
You mean 'alien'? Yes, I meant the word purely in the sense of "people used to existing systems will have lots of unlearning to do". Implicitly it's only worth doing if the new thing is (lots) better for humans than the old thing. Totally worth doing. Only a miniscule fraction of total computer users have been born so far, so it seems short-sighted to emphasize those of us who just happened upon the scene first.
👍 1
Now this is a good poll! Definitely in the (5) camp.
👍 1
@Kartik Agaram - I meant to say (5), although what I have in mind is the same thing that Mariano posted as (6). I didn't notice that he created a new option. I meant that it would be more alien in comparison to current systems, but much more human-friendly. In other words, the future of coding (as I see it) is much less alien to humans, than current systems are.
❤️ 2
Alien system to combat alienation.
👏 1
@Kartik Agaram the alien option sounded like a big jump (and some negative connotation for me), it was the closest for me but I decided to clarify and to make sure that my interpretation of the option was the actual meaning
👍 1
Didn't mean to make it sound negative!