# thinking-together
I'm pretty sure this was discussed here when it first appeared, but I can't find it in the archives either.
Thanks for sharing! My initial impression, if I may share unfiltered, is that it feels very iOS to me — in good ways. If I were a gambler, I would bet that Apple’s MacOS will start to aim more into this direction over time. The success of iPadOS and iOS has shifted the landscape; it would not shock me at all to see MacOS look more like iPadOS.
Ha! Jason worked at Apple… shocker 😉
Totally agree @Steve
It does feel so much like iOS. the design, the color scheme and all. And I am not really sure exactly what it offers which I can't get in my Debian.
Makespace is the sequel, and it’s looking beautiful: https://makespace.fun/
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@Nikolas ^^ This is your jam 😉 🎶
As for Mercury, the emphasis on neurodiversity really shook my assumptions about operating system design, and interface design in general, and has stuck with me since.
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was actually talking to Jason about that last night @yoshiki
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In particular I noticed that ADHD is seen as a north star for design of complex systems. It's slowly becoming a "design persona" in itself, and am wondering what the implications are especially since the disorder itself has been in flux since its formalization
They're tough and contentious topics but as cognition gets more attention with system designers wanting to get closer "to the metal" of how we work, they're going to be examined one way or another
I loved Mercury when I saw it originally. I didn't know about makespace but that looks great too. The main thing that struck me about Mercury isn't just the clean UI but that the software is organized around 'app-free intentions aka flows'. All operating systems (iOS, Linux, Windows) are very app oriented. Mercury provides your 'intention' or 'workflow' as a concrete organizational model. Typically you jump from app to app to app to acomplish a given intention - the thread of intention just lives in your head, but nothing connects the corresponding windows on your screen. Mercury solves this. Check out this 'flow' of a single intention (getting coffee with a friend) that spans multiple apps - nothing like this exists in any mainstream OS:


I would love to create threads that connect snippets of information across multiple 'apps' - all are related to one intention. Unfortunately what I do is just reframe a calendar view or mail view I already have open (for one purpose) to another purpose. I end up with a cluster of app windows with different purposes all mixed together. Not at all ideal, but something we're just used to I guess.
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WOW makespace looks ridiculously cool and relevant to my interests thank you for sharing it!!
IMO deserves its own thread
This is great stuff! And I think that's what software design (and even good code) should be about: taking the model that you'd otherwise have to create in your head, and make that be the design / architecture / model. This was a very refreshing take on throwing out assumptions about what software (e.g. an OS) is, and reconstructing around the human mental model. Reminds me a lot of this video that's been shared before:
