Hello. <aboutmako.makopool.com/> I'm a philosopher...
# introduce-yourself
Hello. aboutmako.makopool.com/ I'm a philosopher/writer in differential progress, which means I work to get a clearer picture of which kinds of technological progress will make the future of humanity better, and which will make the future worse, and then I tell people about that so that we can do more of the good kinds of progress (and ideally less of the bad kinds, but the drivers of negative progress are not always possible to influence, so it's better to focus on making good things rather than stopping the bad) (example of a bad progress differential: Life would be better now if we had discovered and proliferated the social technologies of structured transparency and cooperative bargaining, before we had discovered nuclear bombs. It would have made disarmament possible, while, as a result of not having those things, it is currently impossible. Example of a good progress differential: It is really good that we've discovered Far UVC sterilization lighting before we have built and proliferated at-home DIY bioprinters.) I also design and make things. I've been mulling over post-textual/projectional languages/languages designed around IDE integration, for a bit. I'm pretty sure we're going to want a thing where the language server's interpretations come through as quiet code insertions, usually seen as small indicator, a colored dot or square, and not fully spelled out until the user asks to see the full interpretation. By making implicit behaviors visible and negotiable in this way, we enable more of it, and that turns out to resolve some of the problems today's auto-impl systems, and maybe makes implicit parameters and implicit conversions less harmful, and generally removes dependencies on some completely opaque and non-negotiable kinds of implicit behavior. I'm currently trying to make sure that the world's first social VR usershell turns out well. I'm not sure what this is going to entail yet, maybe something to do with getting Spritely Goblins (distributed capability systems, currently primarily lisp-based) to work with WASM?? (which would make everything more hackable and interoperable, which leads to all sorts of social technologies being built for free and proliferating globally, which generally leads people to be more coordinated and intentional, which leads to a stronger global dialog and informal educational processes, which leads to... many good things) But still just trying to understand what's going on over there.