:mega: Next FoC meetup set for November 17th! I or...
# in-london
📣 Next FoC meetup set for November 17th! I organised for us to do it Newspeak house this time around so we can fit a few more people in, and more importantly, we’ll have a projector so people can demo what they’ve been working on. We’ll do short lighting talks (5-10 mins) to keep it focused and save time for socialising. Message me if you’d like to demo! Doesn’t have to be anything big. Anything related to experimental programming / design / tools for thought counts. You can grab a spot here: https://lu.ma/foc-london-nov
I’d love to attend. Is there a waiting list?
@Kilian Butler if you are still trying to book a slot, I have a conflict so I won’t make it in the end - so I’ve updated my RVSP; try checking out luma now to see if you can apply to attend
I just got one booked in last night. Thanks so much @kelset