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# present-company
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Very cool! I love Excel and think it's the key to end user programming writ large. I like what you're doing applying a little AI to the space.
👍 1
My project Mech doesn't look a lot like a spreadsheet right now, but it's always been the goal that I'll have a spreadsheet interface eventually.
I'd like to see more, but the website is currently a waiting list email address harvester 🤷🏻‍♂️
What's the coolest part of the new stuff you've done?
signed up for the beta! I work on data tooling as well so this space is always interesting to me
👍 1
Maybe @Ivan Reese can clarify the community position, but this smells more like growth hacking than an honest exchange of ideas to me
to expand on Jack’s point, the vibe here at FoC is to talk openly and widely about ideas, challenges, solutions, etc. Things that transcend your specific effort that everyone can learn from!
💯 1
(@Jack Rusher I am, for the time being, okay with posts like this in #present-company since they're rare. If it becomes a monthly occurrence, then I'll institute a tighter restriction. I would not permit a post like this in #thinking-together or #linking-together.) @Mahdi The purpose of the community is to discuss things here in the Slack. It's not an eyeball funnel. I'd love it if you shared more of what you were thinking about and working on, or otherwise fostered discussion here_._
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