Anyone attending <> ? Any...
# present-company
Anyone attending ? Any sessions you are looking forward to?
I will probably be attending 😄
😂 6
I'm excited to be attending. Really looking forward to the talks. Only suggestion I'd have if you do it again is offer an even more expensive ticket 🙂 I could have easily expensed way more for a remote conference.
It was tricky to find a balance between letting people expense big tickets and not making people who can't expense tickets feel guilty for not paying full price. I thought about copying and having separate prices for corporate vs individual tickets. I'd call it 'distributed corporate sponsorship'.
Yeah I'd have been down for that. Or even a pay what you want >ticket price option.
❤️ 1
I couldn't do pay-what-you-want without running my own billing server, which felt like an additional source of error. I also heard from several companies that they would have trouble expensing pay-what-you-want so I would have needed a separate fixed price for them.
Makes sense. I know this stuff is complicated. Regardless, super happy you made this.
The way I handle buying multiple tickets at once or buying tickets for other people is kind of a mess too though. Next time I'll probably just bite the bullet and run the billing server myself. I was initially trying not to self-host anything but after bouncing off limitations of various saas offerings I ended up running a fair amount of infra and none of it has given me trouble so far.
"Roleplay: board games as interfaces to probabilistic databases" hooked me for some reason, basically turned over my credit card right there "DatalogUI" sounds weird and interesting Hearing more about Twizzler OS will be fun The afternoon I&S lens topics should be reliably professional and valuable
I'll be there! I don't have a particular favorite session yet - I'm mostly just excited to get to talk about cool stuff that's a bit more speculative than my day job.
Weirdly enough, I know/recognize almost everyone in the right join room and not a single person in the left join room. Regardless, I'm most stoked for… all the talks by everybody! I'm so bad at databases and have never written any SQL and really want to just learn more and be a good programmer.
Seems like there's a lot of people there, but I want to plug how relevant it seems to this community.