Hi all! Quick update on my notebook project TypeCe...
# two-minute-week
Hi all! Quick update on my notebook project TypeCell. I’ve worked on loading and saving Markdown files directly from Github and the local file system. Basically, I can now use Markdown files to create interactive notebooks: https://www.loom.com/share/1d858e72e00742989d66c1eeda28a53a. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? All welcome!
👍 3
Looks great! what's the main use case? prototyping? teaching? sharing examples for projects?
All things you mentioned 🙂 Eventually also rapid application development
I think this particular feature (compatibility with markdown files), will be useful for sharing examples and live documentation
PS: the filebridge server + client are available as open source package @ https://github.com/YousefED/filebridge
you may want to check the livemd format from https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook in case you find something useful or maybe for interoperability (or to save you some work 😄)