<@UEQG5HC1W> i sort of am :slightly_smiling_face: ...
# in-san-francisco
@Mark Miro i sort of am 🙂 i've been working on kind of a heroku-without-heroku
👍 1
actually, i take that back, it would be pretty terrible for standard business software because it doesn't have ACLs and the data is all public 🙂
it solves the "i don't want this data to leave my premises" problem though
As I understand it, Heroku hosts your app, but doesn't give you access to the OS. So it's like AWS with restrictions. I wonder if we're talking about the same thing?
heroku is sort of an improved API to a linux hosting environment
it's containers, a build-system to make containers out of git repos, traffic delivery, log collection and various and sundry other niceties like CI, databases, and team management
I see. I'm a frontend dev so I some have misconceptions about backend. I think it's a good sign if as you're coding you end up with parts resembling actual products. You might be walking in the footsteps of the Heroku guys.
Good abstractions tend to re-appear if you're not explicitly trying to re-invent them
Well, I helped build Heroku from the early days so it's more like "fighting the same old battles".
😂 1