<@U6LBL2CJ1> <@UBN1G4C1J> <@UHWC9PXBL> yo! I’m bac...
# in-boston
@ellenchisa @jhaip @Garth Goldwater yo! I’m back from Greece (2 weeks ago), do we wanna try to meetup in the coming weeks? 🤔
yes! I'm around from now until the 19th, or the 25th-26th.
how about weekend of 16th? I’m also open to most weekday evenings but historically we’ve done like saturday 10/11 am 😄
I am free Oct 16 after 10:30am!
I texted Garth and it looks like he lives in Baltimore now!
@ellenchisa @jhaip do y’all want to meet at like 11 AM? Usually we do Cambridge (central square) but I have a car so I’m flexible
oh! also @Tony Fortunato if you’re around 🙂
11am sounds good to me. Maybe somewhere on the Harvard/MIT campus? I’m sure we could fine a table and use their free WiFi.
Oh although I’m not sure if universities are more restrictive about guests entering…
i was on Northeastern campus and they are restrictive, not sure about harvard / mit but guessing they may be
I have plans on the 16th to go apple picking with friends 😞 harvard definitely has also been more restrictive
how about Oct 17th? 🤔
Feel free to meet without me, but I’m not free Oct 17th.
@ellenchisa I’m down to do a coffee on Oct 17th 1:1 or we could try to get a group for 25 / 26th 🤔