Is anyone coming to the Mother of All Demos event ...
# in-london
Is anyone coming to the Mother of All Demos event at Somerset House tomorrow? @Arthur will be giving a short talk as part of the program
A day of talks, performances and workshops marking the 50th anniversary of internet pioneer Douglas Engelbart’s original 1968 presentation of the key elements that would shape modern computing.
Dang! That sounds awesome. Can’t believe I didn’t hear about this sooner. Unfortunately I can’t make it tomorrow, but I’ll be all ears for first-hand reports and hopefully some links to videos, if they plan to record and publish them.
👍 1
Need to let off some steam here rather than in public. A journalist on the panel discussing MOAD: “engineers can’t do philosophy”, DE “was not a great thinker”, said DE’s use of the term bootstrapping was vague. I had to interject and describe his ABC Bootstrapping framework as an example. This guy clearly hasn’t read a single thing written by DE and has only watched the video. Yet sitting here criticising the idea of the demo. How can such a high level event and institution parade such ignorance? Not that DE is some sort of angel but at least have a panel with relevant expertise not mouthing off!
Assuming DE was a solutionist who did not acknowledge the limitations of technology in solving societal problems etc.
Oh my! Better neutralize this experience quickly with some quotes from people who knew him better:
Haha, thanks @Stefan! 😄