Just joined. There's a lot of interest in spatial ...
# share-your-work
Just joined. There's a lot of interest in spatial computing and Codex enabled code editing. Wanted to share a recent creation that combines both of these in a voice controlled interface in VR:


Super interesting! I love the vision of two people collaborating with an AI to build a thing. I wrote about this a bit in an article called Copilot and Conversational Programming. Context: I've been programming with Copilot for a few months now, so the code generation wasn't super surprising. I've also done a bunch of work in VR, so more or less familiar with the interfaces, headsets, etc. In other words, I totally love this stuff. ❤️ That being said, some feedback on the video: • It was definitely hard to watch from your view due to the head bobbing. I know that's not distracting to you when you're in VR, but this is exactly why GoPro and others added gimbals and such to make those videos watchable. • I was most curious about the annotations of the code, and was constantly trying to figure out what they represented. Wish you'd explained those more. • I love how you represented the environment as basically having no "floor" - infinite up and down, with a "horizon line" to keep things centered. Also, that subtle code-like background texture was 👌 . • I was surprised y'all didn't move about or "use the space" a little more. I would think of writing programs in VR as writing on those giant sticky note pads. Once you fill one up, you "tear it off" and "stick it to the wall" somewhere out of the way. • Minor thing, but the 3d positional audio (I think) was nice, but your coding partner was a big muffled and it made him feel non-responsive. I would expect a better demo to have more back-n-forth conversation and be a bit more "lively." Just my two cents! Please post any other videos/thoughts you have on this, it's awesome to see!
Hey Jess - thanks so much for watching and appreciate your feedback. I need to set up a green screen with a static camera for future videos. Your article is great. It's exciting that people are taking about alternatives to traditional programming. I like the quote about "requesting" solutions, and having a tight feedback loop with the machine.