Hi, I know that it is a bit (may be a little too ...
# linking-together
Hi, I know that it is a bit (may be a little too much) out of subject and motivation of FOC community, but I couldn't help but to turn toward one of the nicest community I am privileged to be a part of. One of my friend is in the need for one minute of your time. Conducting a survey to understand some market potential. I am trying to help one of my good friend with a nice project. Can I request you guys to kindly have a look please here - https://hellomusic.typeform.com/to/TzMCoj It is anonymous and very fast. Thanks for the help guys! Please spread the word as much as you can!
✔️ 2
In #random, you can post anything except stuff that's relevant to FoC. So, no worries, this post is just fine!
👌 1
Sure, I started doing the survey. However, the survey progress doesn’t take into account answers to previous questions. For example, I said “no” to “do you listen to something while commuting”, but the next question still asked me “what do you listen to”. Also, at some point I had to add the option “Car CD player” to “what app do you use to listen to music” 😁 Because that’s true. I’d say the survey assumes a lot about people’s way of life.
👍 1
Unfortunately, type form only let's you do a "logic jump" if you are using the paid version. That is why he could not bring people to the end as soon as they answered "No". About the Car CD Player, i guess you have a text option if you choose "Other" in that question.
I was tempted to fill in "Musical Instruments", since I play music. But it was asking about apps so I figured my answer was too snarky and out of scope.
😄 1