I'm working on a unification of programming langua...
# share-your-work
I'm working on a unification of programming languages, databases and network protocols by starting with the serialization. https://github.com/bintoca/dbuf
👀 1
if only serialization were one of the hard parts 😕
@Alex Cruise Agreed its not the hard part but I feel leaving it to the end breeds fragmentation and becomes an obstacle to interoperability
The main gain of dbuf over protobuf is self-describing, are you aware of gRPC reflection? https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/server-reflection.md (protobuffer can do it too but its not well documented)
I use msgpack.org at my day job (it was originally created by one of our founders), it also has that property 🙂
@Tom Larkworthy That’s a nice help tool but my goal is to go much further. Instead of having dedicated endpoints that each accept a specific data layout, have a server that could natively understand requests of different shapes.
@Alex Cruise Since you brought up out of the tar pit in a different channel, that is where I’m going with this. Using the same type system for the wire, relations, indexes, cached intermediate values and having it all be more runtime adaptive.
You might be interested in the various WebAssembly efforts to standardize struct/reference/complex types
I have followed the progress of the GC proposal. I think its going to have limited usefulness as it tries to cater to a wide variety of type systems
My snarky impression is they’re reinventing IDL and large parts of the JVM but apparently there are enough people involved who have been around awhile that they have a decent shot at success 😕
Yeah there's plenty of talent involved. I guess part of what makes any big system is just belief