I have a new idea for doing links in Scroll (our e...
# share-your-work
I have a new idea for doing links in Scroll (our extensible successor to markdown): https://github.com/breck7/scroll/issues/74
Copy code
* If you want THESE THREE WORDS^^^ to be the link. A oneWord^ link.
 ^^^ someLink.html
 ^ <https://oneWordlink.com>

// Has anyone seen this done before?
How would you embed multiple N-word links for any N?
Also, anything other than
, which I always accidentally swap, would be better 😆
"How would you embed multiple N-word links for any N?"
Good question. I hadn't thought of thatI guess just by order of appearance.
That might get a bit tricky under editing and reordering, I think.
Ted Nelson's idea was to give fragments addresses and attach links to fragment addresses: https://xanadu.com.au/ted/XUsurvey/xuDation.html (search for 'the content link')