Hello! :man-bowing: I'm Francisco. I'm based in th...
# introduce-yourself
Hello! ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ I'm Francisco. I'm based in the Bay Area (live in Berkeley, work anywhere in SF); by way of Lisbon, Berlin, and Los Angeles. I'm a designer. I work at the intersection of communication, product, and prototyping with code (cough cough... and lots of Webflow). I'm here because I have a bit of a masochistic, pseudo-philosophical, love for computers and code. A fascination for understanding what computers are, what we could do with them, and how to communicate their magic to a non-technical audience. Think me explaining what a great tool-for-thought a function is to my grandmother at Christmas. In terms of projects I'm currently going through a bit of a reset; reading a lot, taking inventory. But ultimately, with the goal to define an area of research through which to grow my skills. I'm here by way of @Mary Rose Cook 's notion page. She absolutely does not know me but I recently stumbled upon her notion and am currently reading it like a fanboy reading LOTR. Lastly, here's two posts I wrote a while back to explain some basic programming ideas to my ... gramma? :P francsco.com/post/unpacking-the-computer francsco.com/post/three-core-ideas-in-a-programming-language Excited to poke around and see what everyone is up to! Francisco PS: ๐ŸŽง Obsessed with Nils Frahm, Hania Rani, the Grandbrothers, and anything neo-classic-meets-electronic.
Welcome! Great to have more designers here ๐Ÿ™‚. Btw, you might know of it already, but Unclassified, which streams on BBC, is perhaps worth checking out with your music taste: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b02sl2
Thanks for this @jaukia ! Will absolutely take a look. Good to meet you ๐Ÿ™
Thanks, you too!
@Francisco - Happy to know there are designers here. (Iโ€™m a wannabe). Just FYI your links arenโ€™t working for me, even when I corrected them to
. Are those posts still up?