Still all ugly as sin, of course. :slightly_smilin...
# devlog-together
Still all ugly as sin, of course. 🙂 But I now have a usable platform for demonstrating explainable, declarative encodings of legislation, with hypothetical and reverse reasoning, etc.
Interesting! How do you get "jane threw scissors" by abduction? How do we know jane didn't throw paper?
Ah — I see what I missed. Jane throws scissors just in Answer #1. Presumably, Answer #2 is jane throwing paper (jane wins), and Answer #3 is jane throwing rock (tie)?
Close! 🙂
Answer 1 is bob wins. Only one possibility, Jane threw scissors. Answer 2 is jane wins. Three possibilities, there: jane beats jane with each of the three signs. (The rule is poorly encoded, because it doesn't require a disunity between the players.)