[moved from <#C5T9GPWFL|thinking-together>, origin...
# linking-together
[moved from #thinking-together, original post by @Srini K] love this: https://www.robinsloan.com/notes/home-cooked-app/ I’ve always said that home cooking is an imperfect but decent analogy for end-user computing, love to see it!
Overheard conversation, something close to, "but if we want to cook in this kitchen seriously, stainless steel countertops are the only workable choice."
plus, professional kitchens often work in more of an assembly line / complex system. • You may have someone who just chops meat and is abstracted away, they just deliver you the final product (internal API / SDK) or heck you get it from a 3rd party company (developer API) • The kitchen ops folks makes sure the infrastructure for cooking is clean, tidy, stocked, and ready to go. Line cooks may not do this (depends on the scale) • You can’t use a tiny sqlite database (your small pot), you need to use postgres in the cloud (a computerized, massive boiling pot) • etc Ofc some of the beauty of high end / michelin star type restaurants is that they “scale up” the craft method so its made with more care, detail, but also higher cost. But this is not most pro cooking!
It's a pretty good analogy.
Shop Class as Soulcraft by Crawford touches on these topics. The whole craft method vs factory method, pretty interesting overall
And in between stands the popular food truck kitchen that everyone in the neighborhood craves for, pays for and yet doesn’t need all the scale and infrastructure of a “professional” restaurant kitchen.