Huge fan of this Scott My first "tool for thought...
# share-your-work
Huge fan of this Scott My first "tool for thought" was opening excel and treating it as a whiteboard – I could just use the arrow keys to get to new locations – I'd have some pages with extra wide cells, some with extra narrow – still the best diary I've ever had Knotend already has great feel – the simple menus and default font seem just right – example videos are great – the undo is pretty killer – overall 🤩
Export mermaid already supported 😄 🍺
Thank you, Christopher. Excel is great -- I love the videos and papers on the early design of VisiCalc in terms of using constraints (a grid) to simplify things.

Does it have a date picker?
No, but great colors ;)
It supports directed graphs. You can have cycles.
Here's the url for that
The specific example you posted also works, but the layout is going to be quite different. Knotend uses a left-to-right autolayout algorithm so it own't end up looking like your example.
Which you can see here
Fantastic! I’ll definitely give it a try. Flowcharts are another occasional hobby of mine 🙂 Usually I use graphviz
Cool let me know how it goes! Knotend also exports to DOT so you can take the output to graphviz. You can also import DOT into knotend.
this is so cool. i am absolutely going to use this
Awesome, let me know how it goes!
Thats a really cool idea, thank you! And really nicely done. What tool did you use?
I drew the sketch in Figma.
Maybe I’ll try that. Im thinking roughly the same, but maybe having one graph per operation. With a text description for each as well. I really appreciate your suggestion and the time you put into it.