Bumping this from <history>, as a submission for F...
# linking-together
Bumping this from history, as a submission for FoC podcast papers to consider, at least a background text to have in the toolbelt – as so many of the podcast's conversations are around bridges yet-to-be-built – the meta-domain of protocols supplies much of the missing scaffolding
Protocols, we believe, deserve to be first-class concepts in any discussion of coordination phenomena, at every level: from handshakes to civilizational futures. We believe that protocols, especially ones mediated by computers, will play an increasingly important role across all aspects of modern human life.
Thanks for sharing - i am now pondering if interfaces themselves and the way they communicate to users are not themselves informal or general protocols.
One of the things that comes to mind is that protocols could be specified in likely many mediums/media – eg, the text-based definition, even conveyed orally (here's how this works and what it must do) – I'm not sure if an interface would translate in such a way – And would a reimplemented interface be an interface on the same protocol (the thing that would unify them would be the truer protocol)
I’m trying to hunt down this way or methodology to represent code from an array programming language (because they’re more verbally succinct and potent) inside of VR as 3D objects to tap into spatial memory and reasoning. Protocols are a similar minded challenge to map spatially