<http://dyna.org/> - a logic programming language ...
# linking-together
http://dyna.org/ - a logic programming language that goes further than Datalog/Prolog in that it allows for flexible execution orders and for rules in the program to be "_weighted_".
What does weighted mean, in this context? I don't grok the implications.
My immediate interpretation is that if multiple rules are applicable at a point in the execution, you can bias for or against one of them. Conventional non-determinism enforces a uniform distribution of applicable rules.
I can't imagine what biasing in favor of a rule could possibly mean that is helpful, though. Wondering if it's worth reading the paper to find out.
After peeking at some of the papers linked from the Dyna page, and googling for "weighted logic", it seems to be that solutions also carry a weight, not just a binary success/fail.
I am curious about this language, but the website seems kind of bare-bones, so I am having trouble working out the value of it... Has anyone encountered more user-focused documentation?
Dyna3Link coming soon. A new implementation of the Dyna programming language written in Clojure. This implementation is a redesign of Dyna-R to be faster and more feature complete.
But how soon?